
Standart 12 column (customizable) responsive grid (very similar to Bootstrap grid) based on flexbox. The biggest change is different naming scheme - .grid-cell and .grid replaces .col and .row in that specific order.

Grid (.grid)

Config options:

  • Number of columns (default 12)
  • Size of horizontal spacing (gutter)


Modifier class Behavior
.grid--gutters0 0% horizontal space between grid cells.
.grid--gutters1 25% horizontal spacing between grid cells.
.grid--gutters2 50% horizontal spacing between grid cells.
.grid--gutters3 100% horizontal spacing between grid cells (default).
.grid--gutters4 150% horizontal spacing between grid cells.
.grid--gutters5 300% horizontal spacing between grid cells.
.grid--alignCenter Vertically aligns grid cells inside grid.

Grid cell (.grid-cell)

Grid cells are by default fluid (100% width), meaning two grid cells inside grid will automatically adapt by their content. In most cases is recommended use forced widths by using size modifiers to prevent unpredected behaviour. Example: user saves very long text without white space, displaying it breaks layout (watch out for these situations).


Modifier class Behavior
.grid-cell--xs-{1-12} Affects screen xs (< 576px)
.grid-cell--sm-{1-12} Affects screen sm (> 576px)
.grid-cell--md-{1-12} Affects screen md (> 768px)
.grid-cell--lg-{1-12} Affects screen lg (> 992px)
.grid-cell--xl-{1-12} Affects screen xl (> 1200px)
.grid-cell--notFluid Grid cell width will be same as its content.


<div class="grid">
  <div class="grid-cell grid-cell--xs-1">

  <div class="grid-cell grid-cell--xs-1">

  <div class="grid-cell grid-cell--xs-2">

  <div class="grid-cell grid-cell--xs-3">

  <div class="grid-cell grid-cell--xs-5">
    <div class="grid grid--gutters1">
      <div class="grid-cell">Fluid in nested grid.</div>
      <div class="grid-cell">Another fluid in nested grid.</div>

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